No.5 #2008年金融危機
🔥 2008:全球金融危機
🧐 The 2008-2009 financial crisis wasn’t a natural disaster, and didn’t directly kill anyone. Yet like the coronavirus, it began as an isolated shock that soon engulfed the global economy and forced policy makers to respond creatively.
-engulf 吞噬、吞沒
-creatively 有創意的,在這裡指「以前所未有的方式」
😯At first, the Fed lowered interest rates, and encouraged banks to borrow from its discount window. In early 2008, President Bush and Congress authorized $168 billion to send $600 checks to most individuals.
首先,聯準會降低利率,並鼓勵各大銀行從該行貼現窗口借款。2008年年初,總統小布希(George W. Bush)和美國國會批准了總額達1680億美元的經濟刺激計劃,大部分美國人可獲得一張600美元的退稅支票。
-the Fed美國聯邦儲備系統(The Federal Reserve System),簡稱為「美聯儲」,是美國的中央銀行體系。
-lower 降低
-discount window 貼現窗口,是央行向金融機構提供短期融資的貨幣政策工具,用於應對短期的流動性短缺問題。
- authorize 批准、授權
😯By March the crisis reached the core of the financial system. The Fed and Treasury bailed out Bear Stearns using emergency authority. That September, Lehman Brothers went bankrupt. Then, the Fed and Treasury bailed out Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the insurer American International Group.
到了3月份,這場危機蔓延至美國金融體系的核心。美聯儲和財政部動用緊急救助權幫助貝爾斯登(Bear Stearns)擺脫困境;同年9月,雷曼兄弟公司(Lehman Brothers)破產;聯準會和財政部隨後救助了房利美(Fannie Mae)、房地美(Freddie Mac)和保險企業美國國際集團(American International Group)。
-Bail out 紓困、救助
✍️ Bailout (n)是一個口語化的非正式經濟學術語,由bail和out組成,意指出面拯救一個企業或國家免於破產,或防止金融危機蔓延的手段或計畫,這個詞在2008年金融海嘯以後被廣泛使用。Bailout的詞源來自「在航海中,將船隻中的積水往外舀出的行為」。
🙈After the stock market cratered, Congress approved the $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program, which the Treasury used to inject funds into banks, securities markets and car companies. In early 2009, newly elected President Obama ushered through a $787 billion fiscal stimulus plan.
股市遭受重創後,國會批准了總額7000億美元的「不良資產救助計劃」(Troubled Asset Relief Program)。財政部透過該計劃向銀行、證券市場和汽車企業注入資金。2009年初,新當選的歐巴馬(Barack Obama)總統主導下完成了一項金額達7870億美元的財政刺激計劃。
-crater 名詞指(因外力撞擊而造成的)坑洞;當動詞時有「造成坑洞」之意,引申為「造成極大破壞、重創」
-securities markets 證券市場
-usher 主導、引導
-fiscal stimulus plan 財政刺激計畫
-fiscal 財政的(通常與國家經濟、稅務、債務相關)
#開啟搶先看🛎 #關注六大災難專題報導
❓Quiz: It also left _______ with a reservoir of _______ that they are now resurrecting.
A. trouble makers/ trial and error
B. policy makers/ tools and tactics
C. coffee makers/ cream and sugar
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Good news guys! Online insurer @directasiasingapore recently launched a super exciting benefit – the NCD60 – which gives you up to 60% off your car insurance premiums. DirectAsia is the first in the market to offer this, as all other insurers only offer a maximum of NCD50. I KNOW RIGHT.
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